5 bedtime activities to help your elementary schooler cultivate an attitude of gratitude

Developing a habit of expressing gratitude from a young age helps to shape your child’s worldview for the duration of their lifespan.

Mental health is just as important as our physical health, and prevention efforts are key as it is always easier to stop detrimental effects from occurring in the first place than it is to repair the potential damage that may occur later.

The home environment is the first and most prominent example that children must observe how to regulate and demonstrate their emotions, and parents and guardians can take a key role in assisting children with learning skills that can help them to flourish over the course of their life.

How can you model Gratitude to your child?

Make a conscious effort to point out what you are grateful for. It is so easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of life’s expectations but slowing down to acknowledge an attitude of gratitude in the presence of your child not only normalizes the behavior for them, it also affords you the positive benefits of engaging in an ongoing gratitude practice!

1. Ask your child about their day and genuinely listen and place your focus on them. Once they are finished sharing express gratitude that they shared their day with you.

2. Encourage your child to share three things that they were grateful for as the day ends. Anything that they express gratitude for is valid whether considered big or small.

3. Create a gratitude jar. Your child can write down one thing they are feeling gratitude for and put it in their jar each night. Anytime they need a pick me up they can pull out their gratitude jar as a reminder of what they are thankful for.

4. Share with your child three things about them that you are grateful for. This will help to foster bonding and attachment, and your child will love hearing what you appreciate about them.

5. Every family has different things that they enjoy. Are you a musical family? Create a gratitude song! Do you like to read together? Create your own gratitude book! The sky is the limit.


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Journaling for gratitude